Do you love free stuff? How about a gift from me to you on Amazon? Then I’m about to make your day! All you have to do is sign up for my e-mail list!
Why a mailing list? E-mail’s so old school, right?
Well, let’s be honest. There’s a lot of noise in the social media world, and it’s easy to miss out on good information because of the sheer volume of it all. I’d like to send you an occasional email – and I do mean occasional, because Lord knows you get enough junk – to let you know when books are coming out or I’m giving away stuff! I’ve got upcoming releases, covers to show, and more that I don’t want you to miss.
This giveaway will run until September 1, 2015. A winner will be randomly selected and contacted by e-mail. Please share with your friends on Facebook and Twitter! You can click this link, use the sidebar, or the button below to sign up!
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